- Imagine a place where all geeky interests are represented, explored, and respected. A happy place where hackers, makers, foodies, open source software junkies, anime buffs, and science fiction fans of all ages and backgrounds come together.
- Penguicon will be fully virtual this year! Many of the things you know and love about Penguicon will be the same, just online. The camaraderie, the Guests of Honor, the Makers Market, and the wealth of diverse programming– so much to experience and learn.
- We will gather virtually, but we will still gather. We may be separated, but we will come together. Penguicon is its community, and our community is strong. We are so excited to create Penguicon 2021 together!

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2022 Penguicon ConChair Wanted!
April ConCom/Staff Meeting
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Penguicon Year Round
What people say about Penguicon…

The hardest thing about Penguicon is that there's never enough time to do everything. I'm always torn between the incredible amount of programming and just people watching and hanging out with friends!

I learned to sew (handy pandemic skill!) at Penguicon, set up home monitoring when (hopefully soon) traveling, have a bottomless reading and research list from myriad panels and presentations I sat in on, and I have made many friends over the years.

I've been coming to Penguicon almost since the beginning. It's been fun to see it change and grow! It's never the same Con twice and each year there's more to experience.

Penguicon is the one place to go where it's not, 'What's in it for me?" but rather, "What can I do/give to help create it?"